About us

Communities for Clean Air Network
Communities for Clean Air Network is a network of people concerned about air pollution and climate change. We aim to raise awareness about the health and environmental impacts of air pollution, in particular wood smoke pollution.
In Australia, studies estimate that between 3000 - 5000 people die each year due to diseases associated with exposure to air pollution. People have become more aware of the health and environmental impacts of the burning of fossil fuels in coal-fired power plants and vehicles. Lesser known is the health impacts of wood (or biomass) burning. While some forms of air pollution (such as vehicle emissions) are predicted to decrease over the next decade wood smoke is predicted to remain steady
For this reason, our campaign is currently focused on residential wood smoke pollution.
While our group formed in 2020, individually we have been advocates for clean air for many years. We also advocate for cleaner forms of home heating, support for people to change over to efficient, non polluting energy and on raising awareness about the direct links between air pollution and climate change.
Along with our website, we contribute to government reviews relating to air quality, engage with media and share latest research and news.
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